Our goal at 1580press.com is to provide access to religious primary source materials, translations, and new products for study, theological reflection, and devotional usage.
All content provided by Nathan Higgins -
"95 Theses" (Martin Luther) [PDF Pamphlet]
Ausgewaehlte Psalmen (D. G. Stoeckhardt, 1915)
Catechetical "We Should Fear, Love and Trust in God Above All Things" (J. C. Oehlschlaeger, 1882) [PDF, 2 pages]
Catechetical "How God's Great and Holy Name is Taken in Vain" (J. C. Oehlschlaeger, 1882) [PDF, 3 pages]
Catechetical "The Principal Proofs for the Divine Authority of the Bible" in the Catechetical Lessons on Dr. Mart Luther's Small Catechism series (D. Meibohm) [PDF]
"Eternal Life" (C. A. Frank, 1882) [PDF, 3 pages]
"Obituary of Pastor James E. Seneker" (F. Kuegele, 1884) [PDF, 2 pages]
Sermon (Easter) "The Angel's Consolatory Easter Sermon 'Be Not Affrighted'" (C. F. W. Walther, 1868) [PDF, 11 pages]
Sermon (Funeral) "Funeral Sermon Fragment and Obituary of Martin Coyner" (F. Kuegele) [PDF, 3 pages]
Sermon Collection Passionspredigten(G. Stoeckhardt, Pastor of Holy Cross Ev. Luth. Church, St. Louis, Missouri, 1884)
Sermon "The Pharisee and the Tax Collector" (Martin Luther) [PDF, 17 pages]
Small Catechism (Martin Luther, English translation published in 1854) [PDF, 34 pages]
"To What Intent Does God Afflict Us With Sickness?" (W. Sihler, 1883) [PDF, 4 pages]
Explain the name: "1580 Press"
The year 1580 saw the publication of the Book of Concord, a compilation of several confessional documents. The followers of the Lutheran Reformation subscribed and adhered to these documents. They include: The Three Ecumenical Creeds, The Augsburg Confession, The Apology (or Defense) of the Augsburg Confession, The Small and Large Catechisms of Martin Luther, The Smalcald Articles, The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, and The Formula of Concord. Many Lutherans today continue to subscribe and adhere to these confessional documents, saying that they are a pure and unadulterated explanation and presentation of the divine Word of God.
Historical primary source materials and translations reflect the opinions of the original authors and translators and are often provided without comment for purposes of academic study. Commentaries and other new products from 1580press.com are produced with the intent to be faithful to the Holy Scriptures, in accordance with the understanding provided in the Lutheran Confessions.